Ion Riot team series, hadlow edition
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The ION Riot Curv Team Series 2022 is a lightweight harness that has the perfect base for a hardshell. The harness gives you the perfect amount of back support and freedom of movement, allowing you to maximize your power on the water. Ergonomics are paramount in the ION Riot Curv Team Series 2022. The harness circumference is derived from body height and girth, making the harness the perfect fit for each individual’s body size and shape. Each ION harness comes with a medium and high support. This interchangeable support is called the Ergo_Pad by ION. This Ergo_Pad sits on the inside of the Riot Curv Team Series 2022 and gives you the choice to choose what really suits you!
With its flex index of 18, the ION Riot Curv Team Series 2022 is the stiffest harness in the ION range and offers a super direct and agile feeling while kiting. The shell has a CURV construction that evenly distributes the forces of the kite over the entire harness while remaining sufficiently flexible for perfect freedom of movement. The non-water-absorbent Hyper_Foam around the harness ensures the perfect fit and makes the harness lightweight, so you can practice the latest tricks without any hindrance!
As icing on the cake comes the ION Riot Curv Team Series 2022 including the strong and durable Spectre Bar. This slim spreader bar has Curv_Flaps on the sides that ensure perfect power distribution and prevent the hook from sliding up. Thanks to the lightweight aluminum hook you have a direct kite feeling and confidence to push yourself to the limit!
- hard shell
- Ergo_Pad
- CURV composite material
- Including Specter Bar
- Ultra lightweight
- Hyper_Foam
- Curv_Flaps